Saturday, March 3, 2012

Marriott initiatives reduce greenhouse gases: Washington, D.C.-based Marriott Intl. Inc. is set to reduce its greenhouse-gas emissions by nearly one-fifth over a 10-year period from 2000 to 2010.(NEWSWORTHY)

The effort is part of a comprehensive, global campaign to reduce Marriott's environmental footprint and save energy costs. Designating April as Environmental Awareness Month, Marriott invited its 2,800 hotels--along with its associates, owners, and guests--to engage in initiatives to preserve natural surroundings and reduce resource consumption. The hospitality company launched a pilot recycling program at 30 hotels to measure, standardize, and expand recycling companywide. Programs already making a difference include:

* The "Re-Lamp" campaign, which replaced 450,000 light bulbs with fluorescent lighting in 2006 and saved 65 percent on overall lighting costs and …

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