Monday, March 5, 2012

Harvard Business School Faculty on the Passage of U.S. Healthcare Reform Legislation.

Byline: Harvard Business School

BOSTON, March 24 (AScribe Newswire) -- In the wake of the passage of sweeping health care reform legislation by the U.S. Congress, the political battle over the bill seems destined to continue. But what do Harvard Business School faculty experts, whose research applies a management lens to health care policy and delivery, think about the bill's content? And what are the next steps for improving patient care and containing costs?

Richard M.J. Bohmer argues there should be a second national discussion about managing health care delivery.

Bill George calls the bill a "momentous step" in insuring the uninsured, but says hard work must begin to address cost, quality, and lifestyle.

Regina E. Herzlinger argues that the bill's price tag will hurt the U.S. economy and that its prescription will result in a government-controlled health care system.

Robert S. Huckman calls for studying the cost-effectiveness of various approaches to treatment to get a better sense of what does (and does not) create value for patients.

Richard Bohmer (, Physician and Professor …

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