Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Vaile heads to Indonesia for two day trade visit

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Vaile heads to Indonesia for two day trade visit

Trade Minister MARK VAILE is leading business executives on an investment mission to Indonesia.

Sixteen of Australia's top 100 businesses will be represented during the two-day visit.

Mr VAILE says apart from encouraging business links between the two countries, he hopes
to build support for the start of a new round of World Trade Organisation talks.

He says the visit is a direct outcome of the Australia-Indonesia ministerial forum
in Canberra last year.

Mr VAILE will meet some members of the Indonesian government during his trip.

He says since his first visit to Indonesia last August, a series of investment initiatives
had taken place.

AAP RTV sw/daw/jtb/jn


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