Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Embattled Madeline Haithcock: It's not my problem anymore

For Ald. Madeline Haithcock (2nd), her resounding defeat by attorney Bob Fioretti proved more of a relief for the 14-year incumbent than a sad end to her legacy.

"I am tired," Haithcock told an audience of about 50 campaign workers and supporters sprinkled about in the Marmon Grand Banquet Hall on the 2200 block of South Michigan Ave. "I want to spend more time with my family."

"I am very proud of all the things I've accomplished," Haithcock continued. "I loved being an alderman. It is something that you really have to love what you do, but you have to work 24/7... God said to me you have to rest."

Haithcock lost to Fioretti, who at 10:27 p.m. had 66 percent of the …

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