Wednesday, February 29, 2012

National Newslist for Thursday, August 23, 2007

AAP General News (Australia)
National Newslist for Thursday, August 23, 2007
Good Morning News Editors and Chiefs of Staff
AAP's National Newslist for today (not for publication):
This is a guide only and stories are subject to change.

AAP's news editors Joanne Williamson and Nalita Ferraz can be contacted on 02 93228611/8610.

- Australians want a straight answer on where the federal government's proposed 25 nuclear
reactors will be located, the opposition says.

- Independent MP Tony Windsor questions Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile's promise of
vote on nuclear reactor sits, saying he has record of promising plebiscites and not delivering.

- Howard, Rudd in Sydney

- New study finds businesses battling more paperwork and confusion since introduction
of Work Choices, a new study has found.

- AHRI hands down Work Choices survey findings 1000 at National Press Club

- Haneef's lawyers criticised for releasing second transcript of AFP interview; AFP awaiting
legal advice on if lawyers acted inappropriately
- Seeking further comment from Haneef lawyer Peter Russo on AFP referring him to Queensland's
legal watchdog.


- Former Liberal leader John Hewson says Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull could
struggle to hold his seat if Tasmanian pulp mill becomes "totemic green issue".

- Labor candidate says Turnbull's attack on Howard confidant and Telstra board member
Geoff Cousins over pulp mill opposition is embarrassing.

- Cousins says Turnbull will realise that he got his knickers in a twist following last
night's personal attack.

- 12 Indonesian nationals found on a beach near Gympie; they were on a Indonesian Navy
training vessel bound for APEC; more to come

- Coroner's finding of car crash in Donald in September 2006 which killed seven.

- Trial of Robert Farquharson, accused of killing his three sons by driving their car into a dam.

- Trial continues for Olympic swimming coach Mark Thompson, who is accused of sexually
abusing one of his students.

- Continuation of Sef Gonzales appeal against three murder convictions
-Judgment in appeal court in long-running case of ex-stripper Kim Hollingsworth, sacked
from police when her past was revealed.

- Glen Porritt, accused of stabbing murder of his mother, in court.

- Gay nightclub owner accused of fatally stabbing man in head outside club in early morning
melee in court.

- Official launch of a cancer drug knocked back for PBS funding
- Survey shows six in every 10 people with hearing loss also have some signs of depression

- SBS says it wants newsreader Mary Kostakidis to stay; more to come
- Winner of the Dobell Prize for Drawing announced at 11am.

- Andrews defends John Howard over meeting with Exclusive Brethren, saying prime minister
is capable of knowing if anything untoward is going on with the religious sect.

- Belvedere nursing home could regain community confidence after winning last-minute reprieve
to continue operating.

- Recreational fishermen could have their tackle taxed under federal plan.

- New exhibition of portraits by John Brack opens at National Portrait Gallery.

- Escape attempt by one of nine terrorism suspects on remand at Lithgow foiled
- Doctor charged with sexually assaulting female patient
- Rare rhinoceros at Taronga Zoo was pregnant, emaciated and ulcerated when she died,
according to an autopsy report.

- Launch of initiative to target consumer fraud across Australia
- Young Australians to launch TV advertisement on youth voter enrolment
- 1200 - Protest at Liberal Party fundraiser. Greens Senator Kerry Nettle to attend the rally
- Clover Moore to introduce a bill into state parliament calling for a radical overhaul
of "exorbitant" liquor licensing fees
- Police charge six people; seize $700,000 worth of ice after cracking a drug supply syndicate
in southern NSW
- Major revision of plans for World Youth Day (WYD) has left the racing fraternity "totally
confused", the industry regulator says; outseeking more
- State Transit Authority (STA) considering options after a large number of bus drivers
at one depot called in sick again today
- John Howard at Penrith to make announcement about cleaning up Nepean-Hawkesbury river (0930)
- Fred Nile announcement about defector from Liberal Party (1200)
- Federal Fisheries Minister Eric Abetz making announcement about Sydney Fish Markets

- Parliament sitting; QT 1400
- Vic Premier John Brumby to doorstop with Labor by-election candidates.

- Homicide Squad detectives investigating death of two-month-old baby girl; more to come
- Up to 2,000 Ford workers could be stood down in Melbourne from tomorrow as yet another
industrial dispute threatens to cripple the car manufacturing industry; more to come
- Outseeking andy developments on Tas pulp mill proposal.

- 0930 - State parliament sits.

- Premier Peter Beattie visits wastewater treatment plant near Ipswich, 1215.

- 1300 - Terri Irwin and Queensland government sign agreement on endangered species, Australia Zoo.

- Man beaten with iron bar after investigating intruder in his front yard
- Winds expected to ease today after wild weather which has buffeted SEQ

- Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews at business breakfast.

- Man died after police reportedly used capsicum spray on him during a confrontation; more to come
- Man shot dead; police treating the death as suspicious; outseeking more

- Seeking more on Rayney murder probe.

- Corruption hearing continues into the murder investigation and prosecution of wrongly
convicted Andrew Mallard, filing on merit.

- Premier's presser

- Body found in house destroyed by fire identified as 28yo mother of three.


SYDNEY - Babcock and Brown interim results due
SYDNEY - AMP Ltd interim results due
SYDNEY - Domino's Pizza full year results due
SYDNEY - Sonic Healthcare Ltd full year results
SYDNEY - Fairfax Media Ltd full year results due
SYDNEY - Macquarie Infrastructure Group full year results due
SYDNEY - Valad Property Group full year results due
SYDNEY - Flight Centre Ltd full year result due
SYDNEY - Southern Cross Broadcasting Ltd full year results due
SYDNEY - Dyno Nobel Ltd interim results due
SYDNEY - Aristocrat Leisure Ltd interim results due
SYDNEY - Boart Longyear Ltd interim results due
MELBOURNE - Tabcorp Holdings Ltd annual results due
PERTH - Iluka Resources Ltd interim results due
PERTH - Oxiana Ltd interim results due
ADELAIDE - Santos Ltd interim results due
ADELAIDE - Adelaide Brighton Ltd interim results due
ADELAIDE - Adtrans Group Ltd full year results due

MELBOURNE - AFL Teams named
MELBOURNE - AFL Preview Panel
MELBOURNE - Preview St Kilda v WC Eagles, WC asst coach Peter Sumich presser, 1200
MELBOURNE - St Kilda appeal Baker suspension at Tribunal, 1730
MELBOURNE - Hawks player Ben Dixon presser at Waverley, 1215
MELBOURNE - West Coast assistant coach Peter Sumich presser 1200
MELBOURNE - Telstra Dome boss Ian Collins presser 1230.

SYDNEY - NRL Preview Panel
SYDNEY - Preview Bulldogs v Melbourne
SYDNEY - Preview Newcastle v Nth Qld

SYDNEY - Wallabies depart for World Cup campaign, airport doorstop 1345
SYDNEY - Preview ARC round

SYDNEY/MELBOURNE - A League preview panel
SYDNEY - Preview Sydney FC v Central Coast

OSAKA, Japan - Preview Aussies in world athletics championships starting Saturday

NEW YORK - More on Hewitt's run in the draw for US Open

CHIBA, Japan - Aussies in day 3 of international swim meet: Grant Hackett in 1500m, Jess
Schipper in 100m butterfly last night, Leisel Jones in 200m breaststroke.

SYDNEY - Preview Australia v New Zealand 3rd and final Olympic qualifying game

SYDNEY - Stewards inquiry into positive swab returned by Gai Waterhouse-trained Perfectly
Poised at Canterbury in April, 1300
MELBOURNE - Looking ahead to Moonee Valley on Saturday.

SYDNEY - Preview of Saturday's Randwick program.

BRISBANE - Looking at Doomben on Saturday.

AAP jlw


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

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