Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Court reporters refuse to work, bringing courts to a stop

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Court reporters refuse to work, bringing courts to a stop

SYDNEY, Aug 3 AAP - New South Wales courts will grind to a halt today as court reporters
walk off the job in protest over work conditions.

The reporters have stopped work and will rally outside the Supreme Court in Sydney's
Queen Square this morning.

The Public Service Association said the action would cause major disruption to the
justice system in NSW, and highlight that there were not enough court reporters to properly
staff all courts.

The association said court reporters were angered the government had refused to listen
to their concerns about workplace injuries.

They have been negotiating with the Attorney-General's Department for more reporters.

However they said the department had come back with a less than impressive offer which
workers had rejected.

Under the government plan pen reporters would be replaced by sound recordists.

The PSA's acting general secretary Maurie O'Sullivan said the offer was a joke.

Court reporters would not enter any NSW District or Supreme Courts or the Court of
Appeal or Industrial Relations Commission.

AAP nd/jo/mk


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