Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Australian illustrator shortlisted for British award

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Australian illustrator shortlisted for British award

SYDNEY, April 28 AAP - Australian story book, Fox, by Margaret Wild and illustrated
by Ron Brooks, has been shortlisted for Britain's Kate Greenaway Medal for outstanding
illustration in a children's book.

Only one Australian book has won the Kate Greenaway medal.

Nominated for his illustrations of the book, Mr Brooks said the Medal was one of the
most prestigious international awards for children's literature.

"(My inspiration) obviously, is the words themselves," he said.

"I'm a bit passionate about words that are well put together; if I've said `yes' to
a text, I have to really go hollow in the belly about it."

Fox is Mr Brooks' third project with writer Margaret Wild, with their first, Old Pig
published in 1994, being a worldwide success and translated into 14 languages.

"I love saluting other artists (in my work), and in this book people who look at it
will be reminded of Fred Williams or Arthur Boyd or Tom Roberts," he said, referring to
famous Australian artists.

The Kate Greenaway Medal will be conferred at the British Library in London, July 13,


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